Jenison, MI

From my first family Disney vacation as a kid, at my true first love Disneyland, to the 15th Walt Disney World Anniversary Celebration ALL the way through the 50th with my family, and an Inaugural Sailing on the Wish, the passion for amazing family vacations is rooted deeply. Joined by my wife, Alesha, daughter, Madison and son, James we love to go adventure together and make marvelous memories.
I personally love to go "Rope Drop to Fireworks" (and beyond!), but I know that is not for everyone.  I consult my clients the same way as my own family.  What are the “must haves” each member of your family wants and how can we plan this with the least amount of stress and the maximum amount of FUN!   

Travel History:
Walt Disney World - Every tier of every resort and every golf course! 🙂
Disney Cruise Line - Wonder and Wish
Royal Caribbean - Allure of the Seas
Universal Studios Orlando
Riviera Maya
The Bahamas
Cedar Point
US Based Travel - There are not many states I haven't visited, I have planned family/golf/sports based travel to:
VEGAS!!!, Arizona, California, Florida, Oregon, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Montana, New Orleans.

Walt Disney World
Disney Cruise Lines
Adventures By Disney
Universal Orlando

Universal Studios Hollywood
Royal Caribbean
Virgin Voyages
Sea World
Apple Leisure Group
Family Travel Planning
Adult and Couple Vacations
Golf Trips

Email address:

Facebook Business page:  Mike’s Marvelous Vacations with Looking Glass Travel

Instagram: mikesmarvelousvacations_lgt

Mike Parnacott